Democrat State Legislature Candidate ‘Outed’ for Chaturbate Videos

16 september 2023, door Steve

A Democratic candidate for the state legislature in Virginia is at the centre of the ‘scandal’ after it was discovered she had performed on the adult site Chaturbate.

Susanna Gibson, who is running on a highly progressive platform which would see her undo many anti-LGBTQ+ and sex work policies in the state, was targeted after her own sex work was revealed by Republican representatives.

Gibson has said that she will not pull out of the race and is considering legal action after the revelations were said to fall under the state’s revenge porn laws. The content was found on a pirating platform.

Gibson is not the first political candidate to have a background in sex work. Recently, Alexandra M. Hunt, who is a former stripper and has an OnlyFans, twice unsuccessfully attempted to win Democratic primaries. She received widespread praise and support for her campaigns and personality.

It’s unclear as to whether Gibson plans to continue as a Chaturbate performer – one would suspect she would have many new subscribers and viewers if she did.

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